Tödistrasse 27, 8002 Zurich
Minimum amount of investment: CAD 1,000,000 preferred
There is no one size fits all in wealth management. An individual and neutral approach is vital, especially in times of increasing regulations and standardisation. The founders of VT Wealth Management already foresaw in 2008 that the future of wealth management lies in the adoption of an entrepreneurial approach to managing client assets that is prudent, sustainable, and free of conflicts of interest.
Our approach combines the best of two worlds: the relevant values of traditional Swiss private banking and state-of-the-art technology and software. Because lasting success depends on a Vision based on many years of experience and Tradition.
Registered with the Canadian Securities Administrator: International Adviser Exemption for British Columbia, Ontario
VT Wealth Management is licensed by FINMA, the Swiss Financial Markets Supervisory Authority.
I have been working with Canadian clients for 20 years. Before I joined VT Wealth Management, I was CIO and Managing Partner at an independent Swiss asset manager. Previously, I was with a Canadian-registered portfolio management firm in Switzerland, where I worked as a Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) with Canadian clients from British Columbia and Ontario.
In my free time, I enjoy mountain biking, soccer, fitness, skiing, and cross country.
I am fluent in German and English.